Ricol Lasteyrie has real know-how in economic and financial analysis, enabling strategic guidance on many topics:
- Performing strategic and financial diagnosis
- Analyzing strategic options
- Reviewing financial performance
- Challenging business plans
- Analyzing the financial impacts of contracts
Ricol Lasteyrie assists non-performing companies to secure a strong business recovery as well as advises their shareholders in order to achieve a diagnosis, build a solid and realistic restructuring plan and negotiate with creditors. Ricol Lasteyrie can also find new fundings or investors when assets are to be sold, or additional equity is required.
Ricol Lasteyrie also helps creditors elaborate the best strategy or suggest alternatives in order to protect their interests.
Ricol Lasteyrie advises investors willing to buy a non-performing company in determining a strategy, valuing the company and negotiating with the management, shareholders, creditors and court administrators.
Ricol Lasteyrie builds a climate of trust, even in the most difficult situations.