Pierre Deheunynck
Governance - Transformation - Crisis management
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Pierre Deheunynck joined Ricol Lasteyrie in January 2022.

He previously was in charge of transformation, human resources or head of shared services in executive committees of banking and energy corporations, and for an agribusiness corporation in France, in Europe, and from 2000 to 2005 in Asia. He also headed a real estate development company, Crédit Agricole Immobilier, from 2010 to 2015.


For that matter, he lead major transformation plans in mergers-acquisitions operations, strategy development, and global and local organisation shifts. He also took part in the projects' definition with the company's governance, and supported the executive teams, managers and employees for their implementation.


He is since 2021 head of the executive board of France Compétences, a public institution in charge of financing professional and work-linked courses.


Law Graduate from Paris 1

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